Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Taking bus to college

Today I went to college to help demonstrate sketching for the new intake in the illustration session at 3pm. It was their 1st orientation day. It was also my 1st time to demonstrate in front of so many students. I'm thankful that I had this opportunity to gain another experience. But I think this morning was more interesting.

Usually, I go to college following  either Sy's dad's or mum's car. But today I decided to take bus since her dad moved at 7am. Yesterday night, I sms Carmen asked her how to go Wangsa Maju by bus. This morning, got more infomartion again from her. She said take U11 to Chow Kit Monorail, and then take U20 or U24 to Wangsa Maju LRT Station. Chow Kit Monorail...I don't know where is it leh, but I took the risk.

I took the bus with my mum at 11.30am since she wanted to go Kepong. The bus kept moving and stopping, and I was just looking at the road scene. When I'm the last people in the bus, the bus driver asked me: " U nak turun kat Chow Kit Monorail kan? Kenapa tadi tak turun?" Hahaha, that moment I realized that I missed the station,  but I asked the driver idiotly:" Ya keh? Sudah lepas ah?" Then he asked me to wait in the bus. Alright, When he came back, I told him I actually wanted to go Wangsa Maju. So he told me to walk straight to the bus station in front, then take U20 or U24.I was calm. So I quickly following  his instruction, walked straight and the place is familiar, I came here before. Haha, that is Masjid Jamek LRT Station la my god! So I changed my mind to take LRT since I'm more familiar with it, and I reached my college at 1.30pm.( pandai? ur head la! haha! Carmen, next time accompany me pls...)

So at 3pm, the Illus club's chairman and the vice chairman started to give briefing to the new faces. They are very humorous and the responds were good (because Malaysian student don't know how to open their mouth=.= ). Surprisingly, a lot of the new intake are girls! Almost 2/3!

After the two guys introduced the artworks by illustration students, it left 25 minutes for me to demo. I was thinking I could only finish sketching the facial features, because my fastest speed is 1 hour. BUT I BREAK MY RECORD! I finished quick sketching in 15 minutes! That's already a good improvement for me! Oh great, now I believe I can draw better in the faster speed. Yes, I will train myself. ^^

So, the session ended with some advices like PLS FINISH YOUR ASSIGNMENTS AT TIME. I really have to remind myself every time in next sem. Next sem is truly a disaster man! GOD BLESS LA...>.<

Monday, April 5, 2010



孩子们,当你们给我拥抱,说声: “感恩,谢谢你。” 的时候,那一刻很温馨,很感动。



4月4日,这天是慈济每个月的的慈善日,这天慈济会发放物质和生活费给感恩户(指需要帮助的一些家庭包括贫苦、单亲的等)。这次是第二次参加慈济的活动了。今早8.30浩强学长、他妈妈和姿殷来到我家载我(不好意思,让你们等我...),然后再一起到bandar sri damansara 的共修处集合。在那里,师姐们先讲解案主的情形,说佛(我忘了这活动叫什么,就是关于佛的),看影片再来讲解一些计划,然后才开始探访活动。

案主一家住在甲洞其中一个旧公寓的12楼,屋子狭窄,2 间房,家私很简单,也没几个。“阿弥陀佛,感恩” 是我们到访时的第一句话。因为一次的交通意外,他的脊椎骨歪了,左肩的骨断了,左手会24小时麻痹,不能出外工作,一家四口靠妻子出 外打拼。育有一男一女,男的在拉曼学院念着STPM,小的才刚上初中一。

互动中,感觉很好, 师姐复查水电费是否起价,慰问孩子的状况,大家互相支持关怀,鼓励案主不要太悲观。其实已经很幸运了,至少可以自己打理,不需要妻子在家照顾,孩子也很懂事。他的无奈,我们都感受到。然而,很感恩他的热心,即使有缺陷,还是坚持每月的第三个星期日,从住家走路到甲洞环保站进行资源分类,为救援地球出一份力,哪怕是点滴的力量。1 小时的交心,不断地为对方祝福,让他继续相信人间有爱。


Saturday, April 3, 2010



你没有放弃,时不时都发短讯,让我感受到你的关怀。我也没想过放弃,也让你知道我的心没有变过,只是我的行动好像少了点,也许零点。直到那次,你联络我,问我是否要再给自己一个机会,我犹豫了一下。挂了电话,我给你发了短讯:“燕珊,好吧。” 我想我的决定没错。


除了感谢慈济,我感谢自己踏出这一步。除了画画,一直想做的就是志工,不断地帮助需要帮助的人,把爱与幸福都散播出去,让更多的人感到快乐。这个“梦想”拖 了好久没有实现,因为不知道该如何去执行,也不知道哪里开始。在忙碌中,也常常与这样的善念擦肩而过。然而,我还是一直提醒自己,即使忙着绘画,也别忘了助人为快乐之本。要帮助人,不必等时机,即使通过画画,我也能让他人快乐。现在,我能为你们做得更多,我觉得我很幸福。
